Communicating data science results effectively + Spatial Data

Lecture ??

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Spring 2023

April 21st


– Clone ae-25

– HW-6 (Statistics Experience) due April 28th

– Project Final Report (April 28th)

– Project Presentations (April 25th)

– Third Peer Evaluation Coming After Presentations

Teaching Evaluation (8-min)

– I take these seriously

– So does Duke

You have been my favorite class to teach


Link your slides

Presentation Grading

– Content: Is the research question well designed and are the data being used relevant to the research question? Did the team use appropriate statistical procedures and interpret their results accurately?

– Creativity and critical thought: Is the project carefully thought out? Are the limitations carefully considered? Does it appear that time and effort went into planning and implementation of the project?

– Slides: Are the slides well organized, legible, not full of text, featuring figures with legible labels, legends, etc.?

– Teamwork and professionalism: Did the team present a unified story as opposed to independent pieces of work patched together? Did they present well? Does the presentation appear to be well-practiced? Are they reading off of a script in a way that suggests they don’t know what they’re saying? Did everyone get a chance to say something meaningful about the project?

– Time management: Did the team stay within 5 minutes for their presentation? Did they divide the the time well amongst themselves in a way that every team member got a fair share of the time?

Goals for today

– Finish AE-24 material (in AE-25)

– Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis + Map Making

Spatial Data

Spatial Modeling Overview

Researchers in many fields are faced with analyzing data with a spatial component. These analyses typically include:

– modeling trends and correlation structures

– estimation of underlying model parameters

– hypothesis testing or model comparison

– prediction of observations at unobserved times or locations


Spatial Data Visualization Tools

There are many tools for creating spatial figures (GIS software, Tableau, etc…), but we will exclusively use R and the wide range of packages within it.

In particular, we will use:

  • ggplot2

  • leaflet

  • and more….

If a tab comes up to install packages, do so.

Click install in the tab or use install.packages(“”)