
Lecture 10

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Spring 2023

February 15th, 2023


– Exam-1 is over! Congratulations on your hard work

– Clone ae-09

– HW-2 coming FRIDAY


– HW’s, labs, AE’s and exam; there are a lot of submissions to keep track of

– I wish there was a cheat sheet for all the appropriate formatting for our HWs and labs.

– Structure of ae’s (i.e. consistently not finishing ae material in class)

– I think that sometimes it would be helpful to do a quick review in the lecture of what we’ve learned the class before.

Where we are going

\(\checkmark\) Data Viz

– Probability

– Modeling Data


  • have a working understanding of the terms probability, sample space, event, population and sample.

  • compute probabilities of events from data

  • create a contingency table using pivot_wider() and kable()

  • use a contingency table to explore the relationship between two categorical variables.


– The probability of an event tells us how likely an event is to occur

  • takes on values from 0 to 1

  • the proportion of times the event would occur if it could be observed an infinite number of times

  • our degree of belief an event will happen

An Event

– is the basic element to which probability is applied, e.g. the result of an observation or experiment

  • Example: A is the event a student in STA 199 is a sophomore

  • We use capital letters, e.g. A to denote events

The oppositve of the Event

– If A is the event a student in STA199 is a sophomore, what is the opposite?

  • For any event A and its complement is \(A^c\)

  • Can think about c as “not”

  • Pr(A) + Pr(\(A^c\)) = 1

Sample Space

– A sample space is the set of all possible outcomes

  • Each outcome in the sample space is disjoint or mutually exclusive meaning they can’t occur simultaneously

Sample Space

– The sample space for year in school is….?

  • {Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior}

  • each item brackets is a distinct outcome

  • The probability of the entire sample space is 1


Suppose you are interested in the probability of landing on heads.

Define the following:

  • Event (and compliment)

  • Sample space


More Complicated Probabilities

– And

– Or

– Conditional

Conditional Probabilities

– “Given an event has already happened…..”

– A | B

– Cuts up our contingency table

Work through

Work through

In Summary

– What is probability

– Event

– Sample Space

– Calculate probabilities in R

– And / Or / Conditional Probabilities