Lab - Project peer review


The project peer review is designed to be completed at the end of your lab section on Tuesday, April 11th. No submission on Gradescope needed, just post issues on GitHub by this time. All issues will be due by 11:59 on Wednesday, April 12th.


Each group will create one issue per review and provide feedback within this issue. If you are not in lab, it is your responsibility to create a separate issue and provide additional feedback.

Learning goals

In this lab, you will…

  • Review others’ project drafts as a team and provide feedback
  • Post issues on GitHub using an issue template
  • Learn from others’ projects and improve your own project based on their strengths and weaknesses

Project peer review

Each team will review two other teams’ project. As a team you should spend ~30 minutes on each team’s project.

  • Find the names of the teams whose projects you’re reviewing below. You should already have access to this team’s repo.

  • Each team member should go to the repo of the team you’re reviewing.

  • Then,

    • 1-2 team members clone the team’s project and renders it to check for reproducibility.

    • 1-2 team members open the team’s project in their browser and starts reading through the project draft.

    • 1 team member opens an issue on the team’s repo using the peer review template.

    • All team members discuss the project based on the prompts on the issue template and one team member records the feedback and submits the issue.

  • To open an issue in the repo you’re reviewing, click on New issue, and click on Get started for the Peer review issue. Fill out this issue, answering the following questions:

    • Peer review by: [NAME OF TEAM DOING THE REVIEW]

    • Names of team members that participated in this review: [FULL NAMES OF TEAM MEMBERS DOING THE REVIEW]

    • Describe the goal of the project.

    • Describe the data used or collected, if any. If the proposal does not include the use of a specific dataset, comment on whether the project would be strengthened by the inclusion of a dataset.

    • Describe the approaches, tools, and methods that will be used.

    • Provide constructive feedback on how the team might be able to improve their project. Make sure your feedback includes at least one comment on the statistical reasoning aspect of the project, but do feel free to comment on aspects beyond the reasoning as well.

    • What aspect of this project are you most interested in and would like to see highlighted in the presentation.

    • Were you able to reproduce the project by clicking on Render Website once you cloned it? Were there any issues with reproducibility?

    • Provide constructive feedback on any issues with file and/or code organization.

    • What have you learned from this team’s project that you are considering implementing in your own project?

    • (Optional) Any further comments or feedback?

Review pairings

Be mindful and find your appropriate section below. These are not listed in order by time of day.

Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.2
Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.2.2
Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.2.2
Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 4.2.2
Your team name To review 1 To review 2
Tu 10:15am - 11:30am
sec-6-team-1 lucky-7 sec-6-team-6
stattastic sec-6-team-1 lucky-7
avocado stattastic sec-6-team-1
statisfactory avocado stattastic
stat4 statisfactory avocado
sec-6-team-6 stat4 statisfactory
lucky-7 sec-6-team-6 stat4
Tu 12:00pm - 1:15pm
banana-boat sec-7-team-7 toryes
r-s2dio banana-boat sec-7-team-7
the-butterflies r-s2dio banana-boat
sec-7-team-4 the-butterflies r-s2dio
hunger-games-catching-meyer sec-7-team-4 the-butterflies
toryes hunger-games-catching-meyer sec-7-team-4
sec-7-team-7 toryes hunger-games-catching-meyer
Tu 1:45pm - 3:00pm
stat-legends super-staters sec-8-team-5
sec-8-team-2 stat-legends super-staters
james-and-crew sec-8-team-2 stat-legends
data-dudes james-and-crew sec-8-team-2
sec-8-team-5 data-dudes james-and-crew
super-staters sec-8-team-5 data-dudes
Tu 3:30pm - 4:45pm
stat-wizards team-007 the-wranglers
ggplotheads stat-wizards team-007
the-great-group-3 ggplotheads stat-wizards
THAN the-great-group-3 ggplotheads
we-r-group-5 THAN the-great-group-3
the-wranglers we-r-group-5 THAN
team-007 the-wranglers we-r-group-5
Tu 5:15pm - 6:30pm (10L)
PX sevenr heartemoji
Cris_Jenner PX sevenr
Team_Freedom Cris_Jenner PX
AAAW Team_Freedom Cris_Jenner
Team_199 AAAW Team_Freedom
heartemoji Team_199 AAAW
sevenr heartemoji Team_199
Tu 5:15pm - 6:30pm (12L)
git-it-done so-on-and-so-forth auto-as
abele git-it-done so-on-and-so-forth
statstars abele git-it-done
sec-12-team-4 statstars abele
auto-as sec-12-team-4 statstars
so-on-and-so-forth auto-as sec-12-team-4

The feedback issue will come from one team member on GitHub since you can’t collectively edit an issue. However it must represent the opinions of the entire team that is present in lab. It is not a single team member’s responsibility to provide feedback, they’re just the record keeper for the team.


Attendance will be collected to clarify who is participating with the issues created during lab, and who still must contribute by creating their own issue outside of lab.


Peer reviews will be graded on an individual basis on the extent to which it comprehensively and constructively addresses the components of the reviewee’s team’s report. If you are in lab, you will be graded based on issues created during lab time. If you are not in lab, you have a responsibility to create a separate issue for your assigned teams.

All issues will be due on Wednesday at 11:59 PM and be graded on the following:

  • 0 points: No peer review

  • 1 point: Only one peer review issue open, feedback provided is not constructive or actionable

  • 2 points: Both peer review issues open, feedback provided is not constructive or actionable

  • 3 points: Both peer review issues open, feedback provided is not sufficiently thorough

  • 4 points: Both peer review issues open, one of the reviews is not sufficiently thorough

  • 5 points: Both peer review issues open, both reviews are constructive, actionable, and sufficiently thorough